Therapy & Counseling Services – Payment & Information
Whether engaged in more traditional psychotherapy or coaching, sessions are conducted on the phone or through our secure web-based HIPAA compliant video call platform – JANE. In person sessions meet with clients in person in our downtown Chicago office.
Therapy & Coaching appointments generally are 55-60 minutes (a clinical hour) in length. At times extended or intensive sessions can be arranged.
Fee-for-service payment is always an option. In a fee-for-service arrangement, we can base treatment on the needs of the client without the approval of insurance representatives. In addition, no information is shared with outside organizations, removing confidentiality concerns.
Fee-for-service arrangements are the only way we can assure confidentiality and ensure that treatment is not impacted by the cost-cutting efforts of the insurance companies. Our standard fees range from is $135.00 to $195.00 per clinical hour. Feel free to discuss any financial concerns you may have with your therapist prior to your first session.
Timely payment is expected. Payment can be made to the therapist at the time of service or by our office via supplied credit card authorization. We accept payment via cash, check, or credit card.
Please note that psychotherapy services are generally eligible expenses for reimbursement from medical flex-spending accounts. Additionally, the cost for our services may be able to be written off as a medical expense tax deduction, see your tax professional for more information.
Important Note: Initially in response to the coronavirus pandemic and to support social distancing efforts to flatten the curve, insurance companies started covering teletherapy as it does regular in-person psychotherapy. In 2021, the State of Illinois passes legislation to make this permanent. So PeoplePsych’s teletherapy services are covered by your insurance just as in person sessions.
Additionally, all insurance claims/communications – whether in-network or out-of-network – require that claims reflect the client name on record with the insurance company.
Blue Cross and Blue Shield PPO & Blue Choice Plans: All PeoplePsych therapists are “in-network” for most commercial Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) PPO and Blue Choice plans. We will verify your benefits upon receipt of completed intake paperwork/authorization. Note that we are not in-network for BCBS Advocate or EPO plans.
United Healthcare/Optum PPO Plans: Most PeoplePsych therapists are “in-network” for United Healthcare and/or Optum plans.
Aetna PPO (non-HMO) Plans: PeoplePsych is in the process of bringing all therapists in-network with Aetna PPO plans. For those covered by Aetna, we will attempt to determine status of coverage prior to the initial session. Regardless of our in/out network status, we will submit claims for sessions.
For clients who wish to access their in-network insurance benefits PeoplePsych submits the claims directly to the insurance company.
Other PPO Plans: If your coverage is through another PPO (such as Cigna, Humana), your insurance might cover our services to a degree. Generally this coverage is significantly different than for in-network providers. As a rule, clients wanting to access out-of-network insurance benefits are asked to pay upfront for services. Instead of filing claims on the client’s behalf, PeoplePsych will provide a “superbill” that clients can file themselves if asked. We have found that this is the only way we can help clients access the greatest benefit, and no longer submit claims on the client’s behalf.
HMO/Tricare/Community/Medicaid/Medicare Plans: PeoplePsych therapists do not attempt to access benefits/file claims through these plans, including those companies that we are otherwise in-network with. Those wishing to work with a PeoplePsych therapist will be charged our fee for service rate and given a monthly statement detailing the charges. If desired the statement may be submitted by the client to the insurance company in an effort to gain reimbursement, but clients should know that such reimbursement is extremely unlikely.
It is important to note that all insurance companies require some degree of personal information to process a claim, and some require a great deal of clinical detail before authorizing sessions or payment, and this can change with little notice. In the event this occurs, we notify clients prior to providing additional personal or clinical information.
Non-Therapy Services
Services such as coaching, specialized workshops, divorce mediation, and conflict management services are not eligible for insurance reimbursement and are provided on a fee for service basis only.