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Jan 02

7 Things Introverts Teach Us

7 Things Introverts Teach Us

Introverts are often misunderstood, especially in a world where the extroverted personality is celebrated. If we want alone time, for instance, it’s hard for others to grasp. Or if we’d rather stay in on a Friday night and skip the party “everyone” is going to, it’s also hard for non-introverts to understand. But I “get” the ins and outs of introversion quite well as an introvert myself — and as a psychotherapist with several introverted clients.

Carolyn Cole‘s article on lists

7 important lessons anyone can learn from introverts

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Carolyn Cole, LMFT, LCPC

Carolyn Cole is accepting new clients.  Reach out today at 312-809-7017 or complete the contact form below.