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Dec 14

7 Simple Tips for Getting Through the Holidays, When the Holidays may be Difficult

  1. Bring snacks of items you enjoy eating while visiting loved ones.
  2. Try and keep expectations realistic.
  3. Try your best to be mindful, and in the present moment.
  4. Be grateful: What are you grateful for? Try writing out three things you are grateful for at the end or the beginning of your day.
  5. Prioritize sleep: Regulating our moods is easier when we have 7-8 hours of uninterrupted sleep.
  6. Set boundaries: For example, certain topics you won’t discuss — such as your health — or maybe just saying ‘no’ can be helpful during holiday focused events.
  7. Mantras/self talk: Try saying:
    Not everything will go the way I would like, but I’m flexible to change and adjustment.



About Jessica Zaehringer, LCSW

Jessica Zaehringer, LCSWJessica is a psychotherapist based in Chicago Illinois.  Her therapeutic approach is collaborative and relaxed.  I believe firmly in the power of connection – especially when it comes to healing. Her clinical expertise fosters the therapeutic relationship as well as self-forgiveness and creates a safe, empathic, trauma-informed space to work together with her clients.

…. Find out more about Jessica here.