Laziness Does Not Exist
Devon Price, PhD
Jessica says:
This book challenges the meaning of productivity or what it means to be ‘productive’ in today’s society. This author examines and unpacks the complexities and multi-faceted systems of self-worth. Specifically, in a society that often sends the message that: (1) If a person is not overexerting themselves they are ‘lazy’; (2) That being ‘productive’ is more valuable than rest; (3) That a person must ‘earn’ rest; and (4) That our worth is measured by our productive.
The author lists these indications that you may still be associating productivity with goodness:
- When you get less done during the day than you anticipated, you feel guilty.
- You have trouble enjoying your free time. -You believe you have to “earn” the right to a vacation or break.
- You take care of your health only in order to remain productive.
- Having nothing to do makes you feel “useless.”
- You find the idea of growing old or becoming disabled to be incredibly depressing.
- When you say no to someone, you feel compelled to say yes to something else to ‘make up’ for it.
This book will help to conceptualize and unlearn the arguably problematic systemic idea that a person’s worth is intrinsically associated with their production.
From the Publisher
The Author
Dr. Devon Price is a social psychologist and professor at Loyola University of Chicago’s School of Continuing and Professional Studies. His work has appeared in Slate, Business Insider, Financial Times, HuffPost, Psychology Today, and on NPR and PBS. He lives in Chicago, Illinois.
About Jessica Zaehringer
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Jessica Zaehringer, LCSW
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